Something’s Missing: By Maria De Leon

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“Let God’s love touch you like an ocean breeze…”

A boat without a sail, …an empty bird’s nest, a lighthouse without light…we can walk past these common objects a hundred times without paying much attention or allowing our minds to focus on the missing parts. Yet, when something happens in our lives out of the ordinary, like getting a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), we suddenly stop and begin to take notice of the missing components that rightfully belonged with those things we never paid much mind to. We ourselves begin to feel that something within us, once an integral part of our beings is no longer there.

Can you relate to this feeling?

The longing for the old self can be devastating initially. No one else can comfort us no matter how well intended they are. Perhaps, friends are encouraging us to look beyond the illness directing our thoughts towards the blessings in our lives such as family, friends, and loved ones. But despite the good intentions, the initial optimism from everyone else can reinforce feelings of negativity within us, or heighten our grief and depression making us feel like somehow we are the ones not strong enough! Ultimately, this does not fix the desire of the newly diagnosed PD person to revert to the old life, to wish it was all a dream, or to prevent the mourning of something lost.

However, I say to you my esteemed reader that if you have a loved one, a friend, or a spouse now feeling this way, the best remedy is a tender hug and a listening ear for as long as it takes without commentary.

To you who have just been diagnosed with PD, I say courage. It takes lots of it to let go especially in such a deep personal level when the future seems uncertain and frightening. It may require you to change the focus of your life, as well as the direction of your sails, and begin expanding your energy on new horizons but it is a step that must be undertaken at some point. The grief and tears MUST cease and the windows of our hearts once again opened wide open if we are to again enjoy life despite PD and have peace in our hearts.

In time, you will discover that part of you is not missing at all it has simply transformed itself giving birth to something more beautiful like a caterpillar which has morphed into a majestic blue butterfly.

Go ahead spread your wings & be free!

blue@copyright 2016

all right reserved by Maria De Leon MD

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